Friday, March 22, 2013

Shhh...I'm starting a REVOLUTION!

Ouch. My ears! 
Shhh....It's too early for the trolls to get up. I'm trying to type quietly because my 2 year old daughter *a.k.a Drama* is doing that whole wake up and cry for no reason because she's half asleep and half awake. ALL my kids have done this half asleep cry as I'm sure many other kids have done this. It's like they are confused as to what is going on and so they just cry. Yeah, well the normal kid will cry and you can hold them and maybe rock them back to sleep. NOT my daughter. She is a special child who does this PSYCHotic cry for like an hour type of toddler. She is the toddler that is SCREAMING for no reason just to hear the sound of her cry. We have seriously tried every thing. The only thing that works is talking nice to her to comfort her because she doesn't want to be touched. It's so annoying because my other kids you pretty much could yell at them to stop, but of course my little girl needs tender, love, and care to ease her so-called "pain". She is getting out of control because my husband spoils her, but that's another whole entry.

When I saw this picture on the right it totally reminds me of my kids. For people who don't have kids, these tantrums are totally their validation in why they don't want kids. These tantrums are worth the love you feel, maybe not at that moment, but definitely after when your child snuggles up against you. I feel for this lady because this is me almost every other week taking my kids any where. You try to be understanding, you try to be patient, but it's hard. It doesn't help when there are judgmental eyes every where. All you can do is try to assess the situation, review your exits, and pay no attention to the glares. It's inconvenient for every one and usually nobody wants to help, just judge. Judge your parenting skills and think of better ways their superior self would handle it. I have had other mothers offer a helping hand or smile, but it's getting more and more rare. All you want to do is gather what little dignity you had left, pick up your child and get the hell out of there. My heart goes out to all the parents who have experienced tantrums/meltdowns at public places. I always think in my mind, its going to be okay. "Go to your happy place." haha I just watched Happy Gilmore the other night. :)

Shooter McGavin
We've Only Just Begun by Chubbs

Back to the diet. I'm starting a revolution because ever since I started my diet, I have changed the way my husband & children are currently eating. My kids have even been looking a little leaner these days and I love it. Not starving lean, but healthy lean. My sister-in-law has been changing the way her family  have been eating. And my sister-in-law talked to her other brother and told him what we all have been doing and he's agreed to eat better as well. It's a CHRISTMAS Miracle!

Minus the Christmas and maybe even the miracle. I am just happy people are changing the way we eat. I want to keep it up. I want to keep encouraging them and my own personal family to eat as healthy as possible so we can all establish healthy habits. My mom has been cutting back too. My dad has always gone to the gym and tries to eat healthy ever since he lost weight a couple of years back.

I am just happy that we all can do this together. It is really unifying. I know it's not rocket science and we are not curing cancer, well we kinda are reducing the risk of cancer statistically speaking. And some may think I pat myself on the back way too much. I find that celebrating mini accomplishments is a setup and confidence builder to tackle on more bigger goals/future accomplishments. So sue me.

Well said

Yesterday I did EXCELLENT! No cheating, no extra meals, and no yearnings. I realized I have been doing it all wrong. I've been eating every 2 hours, but I should just space it to 3 because sometimes I am not hungry and I'm just forcing myself to eat at the 2 hr mark. I also took the advice of my coach yesterday and whenever I felt like I was hungry, I drank some COLD water. More like chugged a whole water bottle and then I was cold most of the day. I have been cold ever since last week. My toes are always freezing and I'm always looking for a hoodie. I haven't lost tons of weight, but I just have been extra cold lately. It's usually the opposite. I'm usually the one that wants the air condition on in the winter because I'm always HOT!

Anyways <<favorite transition word
 I have parent/teacher conference today for my 1st grader. Where does the time go? I hear a troll so I better go. *don't mistake my term of endearment, I love my little trolls* Wish me luck!

Ooh remember these creepy things!

Song of the Day: UPRISING by MUSE

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