Friday, March 29, 2013

I Feel Good

I Feel GOOD!

I'm back and Yup it's true. I haven't cheated. Hallelujah it's a miracle. All I have to say is I give credit to those that have started this diet and have NOT cheated. It takes some serious willpower! That of which I thought I had, but apparently was weak, but HEY I'm back and that's all that counts. I don't like when I get too down on myself because it doesn't benefit the diet. Besides, when I say "cheat" it means I am eating more vegetables, protein, or a medifast meal more then I am supposed too. It's not like I'm enjoying my fat piece of chocolate cake & high loaded carb pasta dish. I wish. I know that if I cheat by eating just regular foods that I like, then it's over.

This is the link to what Medifast thinks about cheating on your diet:

For the past 2 days my husband has BBQ'd my chicken and it has been tempting to NOT eat more then 1 piece of chicken! We used to BBQ boneless chicken thighs & bratwurst, but we have been doing turkey dogs & boneless chicken breasts. It's been super yummy because of that smoky flavor. I didn't think I was going to like boneless chicken breast on the grill, but it's way good. I guess I'm the queen of over-cooking things so I wasn't sure it was going to be moist in the middle. They were more then moist, they were delicious.

Let me stop before I start salivating at the mouth. I haven't exercised this week besides minor sweating during the household chores. Usually doing the laundry makes me sweat because the laundry room is upstairs, the clothes are hot when folding, and the putting away is all very sweat-worthy tasks. Can I just tell you that laundry is a pain in my butt. When I was single & even the beginning of my marriage, I actually enjoyed laundry. I would always think, what's the big deal & why are women always complaining about doing this? Ummm...try having kids. Even just having one kid it is RIDICULOUS. You change them in the morning, they spit up breakfast. You change them again & lunch is spilled. You change them again because they pooped all over, peed all over, spilled their drink, drooled too much. I mean, it's amazing that my kids even wear clothes sometimes. I remember when I just had my 4th child & the 3 boys ages were 2, 3, and 5. I would let them run around with just diapers on in the summer at home. I usually have to a do a load a day if I want to keep up with the laundry.

Anyways, long story short. I'm keeping busy, not cheating, and trying to keep myself motivated. Hope all is well with everyone else. Wish me luck this Easter weekend!

P.s.- I wrote this on Friday, but forgot to post it :)

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