Thursday, March 14, 2013

Polynesians on a diet

Saying the word DIET in my family is like saying DEATH! It's literally saying DIE with a T! Something died and it's your soul for not wanting to do the one thing we, as a family, ALWAYS DO! Polynesians in general, whether you are Samoan, Tongan, Hawaiian, WHATEVER, are ALWAYS eating. When someone dies, when someone has a birthday, when someone is leaving, and when someone is coming home. You really don't need a reason. Let's have an "eating" because Jr got a job. Let's make a big feast because Lani's tooth fell out. Every one have an eating because I lost 7 lbs!!! Let's celebrate with food is basically the norm. I love my culture, but this is the one thing that is killing us.

It all goes back to our ancestors on the islands. They farmed, they fished, they hunted for their food. Farmed, fished, hunted...
All verbs! Action! The thing we lack as American-Polynesians is the ACTION! Of course, we have great food, great conversation, and a dance *c'mon every one DOES NOT dance at those functions, well at least not enough to work out the 10 million calories we just lovingly stuffed in our faces* Also, the ancestors of the islands probably worried about famine at times for whatever reason and became a little hoard-ish. *made up my own word* I see it when in older polynesians that come over to America. They think the food is going to run out and therefore stock up on random food. It's always good to stock up, but not eat the whole stock pile of food you are saving for a rainy day. That is what eventually happens.I'm not saying ALL Polynesians are this way, just every Polynesian I met in my life thus far. lol

Well the diet is getting better. Yesterday *Wednesday* I had a little snafu. Well, it was HUGE! Both my car and my husbands car broke down. My husbands car always breaks down because he is a mechanic and likes to "fix" junkers and ride it till it has to be declared unsafe for the road.

Whatta hunk of junk!

It is a 1989 Honda Civic and it's his baby. *don't ask me why!* So his car was in the middle of being fixed and my Suburban has been running funny, but then it just died. So now we need a new transmission. All this is just excellent news right when I am on a diet because then I started to stress. Like I said earlier, I am a worrywart so of course I stressed about things out of my control, which then made me want to eat my feelings. lol I decided I wasn't going to go full on and stuff my face with everything. I just decided to do what the Medifast pamphlet said to do, which is eat another medifast meal rather then a high calorie/carb/sugar snack else where. So I did. Then I ate another one. Then I ate another healthy snack. Mind you, I totally spaced it out into every hour, which I don't know who I was trying to kid. I then sat myself down and said, "Stop stressing, stop eating, and GO TO SLEEP!" So yeah, It was a hard day.

I more then made up for it today though because I got up @ 6am like usual, put my son on the bus, and walked 2 miles around the track/park by my house. It was GREAT! I felt great. I felt invincible, unstoppable, and mostly inspired & motivated again. So I'm back on track and hopefully there won't be any more mess ups. I added pictures to different walls in my house to give me some more motivation, rather then just quotes.  I put a picture of girls who are fit and what I want my body to look like. I'm sure my husband is loving the pictures of these random toned women. lol I was hard on myself this morning, but then thought, at least Im walking! I know it's not supposed to be easy, but I'm learning as I go along what to avoid.

 I love that it's called Habits of Health because it is what it is. HABITS! I'm still doing good with my kids too! I noticed I have been buying leaner cuts of meat and cooking smaller portions. Ever since I have been eating salad, my kids always come up to me to ask for some and they are starting to love it. I even got them loving asparagus. I am love feeling healthy and even though stressful things happen, I hope I can rise above and come out victorious. All right, going to attempt to make Spaghetti with the leanest ground beef I could find and whole wheat spaghetti noodles with veggies. Wish me luck ;)

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