Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 2

Okay, struggle time. Tonight was a little better then last night because I felt more comfortable in my food preparation.
The only thing is my mind is telling me I'm hungry, but my body is saying 'get over yourself'. I think I am struggling a little bit more tonight because my kids went to bed early and I basically don't want to do too much. Don't get me wrong. In this house, there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done. I just don't want my blood sugar going way low. I checked it early and it was on POINT! Maybe I won't have to go to the gym after all. I cooked dinner, washed the dishes, bathed the kids, cleaned their room & the living room, and tucked them in to sleep. I actually sweat from doing all these things almost every day, but I was eating triple the amount of what I was sweating. They should make an Aerobics class for men to do the tedious things s.a.h.m's do. They would hate it!

One of my favorite websites is PINTEREST! Yes I am one of those addicted moms you have probably heard about. I thought it would be hard to go back on the website because I was mostly pinning recipes for delicious, sinful food! Health & Fitness is my favorite now, besides the Humor category. So I thought I would share some!


Mid-Day 1:30ish

I had one of those I need to sleep now or I'm going to pass out feeling around 10am. I was so happy that the kids were mellow today because I just put a movie on in my room, locked the door, and fell asleep for what felt like 3 hours, but was really 30 minutes. It was the weirdest thing.

I felt sluggish all morning until now. I have a little bit more energy so I am going to attempt to take the kids to the store. I need to find some more easier protein recipes. I don't want to get bored of the same thing over and over. If I feel like I have options, I will be all good. I kept that in mind while ordering some of the Medifast products.

The Caramel Crunch bar was SOOOO GOOD! I actually really liked that one. I almost felt like I was cheating, but nope. I'm still doing good. Mind you, it's still only the 2nd day. Wish me luck computer. :)

Ps- 90's mix I've been cleaning to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19tQOQFGueA


Good morning! I am feeling kinda sick. I know it's my body saying, "Did you eat or what?". I was way sore when I woke up and am feeling nauseated. I expected this because when I would skip meals it felt like my blood sugar was low. And then when I would check it, and it was normal.It only meant one thing, my blood sugar has been so high for so long that it is not used to being at the normal levels.

The REAL Mt. Everest! I take what I said back!
Anyways, I am still upbeat and positive. I am usually very optimistic about things, so if my perkiness gets annoying...Sorry 'bout it! :) I physically feel a little sick, but mentally I feel GREAT! I feel like I could climb Mt. Everest, but we'll settle for the incline in my driveway for now. Hopefully this evening won't be that bad of a struggle as it was yesterday. Ever since I have been eating slower and carefully chewing my food, I feel full, surprisingly.

I was Pinteresting last night and found all kinds of great exercises, motivational quotes, and all kinds of diet things. I should join some kind of website support group. I always say that and then when I get to the websites, I register and then log out because the registration process took too long. haha As I write most of my blog entries, I realized that I am the biggest procrastinator. I have to do something about that. Maybe tomorrow. 

I'll update sometime tonight or today. I have to go grocery shopping for more lettuce. Wow! Never heard that one before. Usually it's, "We need bread or I could really go for some chips". I have to be proud of these little moments even though they seem insignificant because it makes me feel good. All righty then. Wish me luck internet. hahahaha I realized I feel like Doogie Howser writing these blog entries. And if you didn't get that reference, then you and I cannot be friends. ;p


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