Tuesday, April 2, 2013

On Track

Today is National Autism Awareness Day and my 7 year old son happens to be Autistic. He is the most bright, inspiring, sweet, and loving boy. I adore him and am thankful through all the laughs & trials that we are blessed to have him. He has a major speech delay and because of this, it makes him very frustrated. It's hard to watch someone you love try so hard to tell you a simple thing as how he feels. I have seen higher functioning kids with Autism, as well as lower functioning kids with Autism. These little angels are special & need to feel loved. It's not just a behavior thing, it's a neurological thing. My son is genius at times, yet one word could set him off to where he cannot handle his emotions. 
When I started this diet, the majority of my reasons for doing this was my kids, my son included. He is the oldest out of my 5 kids and in so many ways acts like the youngest. The one thing I love is that when I look into my sons eyes, he's there. He's not lost "in there", he's present. Often time I hear Mothers speak about their children as if their "in there", meaning he/she's present inside their own mind/body, but unable to come out of their shell. I have been blessed enough to see my son every day present, just without the ability to communicate. For that I am thankful for. For those suffering this way, my heart goes out to them. Whether you know someone who has Autism or not, people should always educate themselves.

 I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten dirty looks, judgmental attitudes, and straight up advice on how to "discipline" my child because he has tantrums. It's frustrating because I know some parents do mean well with their advice, but it doesn't always apply to the situation. All I am saying is, just because a child is having a tantrum(No matter how "normal" he/she looks/age) We should not be judgmental, but maybe offer a helping hand or a kind smile. 

Another thing that some people hate, is when you label your kid. Like how I can refer to my son as the Autistic one. I am not saying that THAT is ALL he is. And in no way am I saying that's all he will ever be. I like a label/diagnosis because it gives me somewhere to start. Some where I can educate myself, others, and try suggestions, different methods that other parents/teachers have tried. Not diagnosing your child or refusing to label/say he is autistic is completely up to each individual. For me & my family, we will stick to the diagnosis, work with what we know, and continue to fight for those children with Autism including my son. 

Here's a sheet that is a great start to learning more about Autism. 

Well, as far as the diet goes. I am doing FANTASTIC. I am going to try to work out Mon-Fri this week. I already ran 2 miles yesterday so Monday is covered. I have been doing the elliptical at the gym. I probably will add some light weight lifting by next week. I have been eating salad & chicken for my lean & greens. 

My body is kind of on a schedule now. I don't have to obsess about the next time that I eat because when I forget, I realize that I am hungry around the 3 hour mark. I am extremely happy that the diet is getting better. I am not craving to cheat anymore. I want to cheat more when I am stressed, bored, thirsty, and sometimes unconsciously. I ran out of all my crunch bars and so I think I am going to order more. 

All righty. No more new news on my end besides that I went to the gym last night and am dying from lack of sleep today. I have been staying up too late because there is a lot on my mind. Stressful things, yes, but not as bad as the stress from my car. My car is fixed, I am getting out of the house more, and I am happy :) Wish me luck this week!

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